The TPS reports are in and the Q2 results came out quirky with Pine Grove shuffles, the continued boom of hardcore, and 90s Sebadoh gets covered in 2023.. huge and indeed true. 90s medley trades off a new track with a 90s track from the same band. Did we go butt rock here a little? Tune in and follow @twinshrieks
Texas (instrumental) by BigXthaPlug (UnitedMasters) New -
BLC by Liquid Mike on S/T (Kitschy Spirit) New -
RAV4 by Liquid Mike on S/T (Kitschy Spirit) New -
Silverado by Liquid Mike on S/T (Kitschy Spirit) New -
Rebound by MILLY on The Freed Milly (Dangerbird) New -
Not a Friend by MILLY on The Freed Milly (Dangerbird) New -
... Galt's Gulch by The Bollweevils on Essential (Red Scare) New -
Bite The Hook by Incendiary on Lie of Liberty (Closed Casket Activities) New -
No Redeeming Value by SPY on Satisfaction (Triple B) New Local -
Surveilled by SPY on Satisfaction (Triple B) New Local -
Chew by Destiny Bond on Be My Vengeance (Convulse) New - Break
Interlude / Fire Starter by Initiate on Cerebral Circus (Triple B) New -
Life Under the Gun by Militarie Gun on Life Under the Gun (Loma Vista) New -
Do It Faster by Militarie Gun on Life Under the Gun (Loma Vista) New -
Gutter (feat. Bryan Funck & Emily McWilliams) by Sunrot on The Unfailing Rope (Prosthetic) New -
Sunset Burial by Spotlights on Alchemy for the Dead (Ipecac) New -
Math Rock Police by Cloutchaser on Metallica (Self-Released) New -
Bike Cops by Ogbert the Nerd (Self-Released) New -
Synchronize Yr Watches by Yes Yes a Thousand Times Yes on Supertinyinfinitedans (Really Rad) New -
Not Too Amused by Sebadoh on Bakesale (Sub Pop) -
Big Me by Foo Fighters on Foo Fighters (Roswell) -
Rescued by Foo Fighters on Rescued (Roswell) New -
You Can't Quit Me Baby by Queens of the Stone Age on Queens of the Stone Age (Loosegroove, Roadrunner) -
Obscenery by Queens of the Stone Age on In Times New Roman... (Matador) New -
72 Seasons by Metallica on 72 Seasons (Blackened) New Local -
Until It Sleeps by Metallica on Load (Blackened) Local -
Shouldn't Have A Leg Hole But I Do by Hot Mulligan on Why Would I Watch (Wax Bodega) New -
All I Do by Bully on Lucky For You (Sub Pop) New -
(Moonlight) On Sunset by Single Mothers on Roy (Dine Alone) New -
Azul Profundo by Painful Choice on Split (Sunday Drive) New -
Mask by SUGAR COAT on Split (Sunday Drive) New -
Falling Down by The Arrival Note on Split (Sunday Drive) New -
WE NEED... / HARD TO ACCEPT by All 4 All on DEMO II (Designated Moshers) New