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Debbie Deb


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Recent broadcasts featuring Debbie Deb

  • A wonderous trip down freestyle lane is presented on The Lost Hour today. We are joined BFF.FM founder and creator, Cosmic Amanda! We talk BFF's influence,…

    The Lost Hour 60 mins

  • FREESTYLE monday shake up lots of movies this week to check out David Bowie concert doc thingy Ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars at the…

    PICKLEPLANET S3 E24 60 mins

  • heavy 80s freestyle Monday post santa con need a little serotonin boost so I'll be dancing around the studio today lol don't forget to come out…

    PICKLEPLANET S2 E19 60 mins

  • Hey ya'll, it's Sebastian here. New episode here focusing on freestyle music. It's not Latin music BUT, it was such a favorite amongst Latinx growing up…

    Las Mañanas 120 mins

  • Sleeves On Hearts 120 mins

Love Debbie Deb? These shows are for you!

a web of experimental ethereal music-fun ~ sometimes featuring guests and their funky thoughts and tunes

pickle licious tracks sprinkled with new stuff, local stuff and all the things that make up my chaos brainz

Cult Hero is a mix of classic and modern. It’s a lifetime of influences, including power pop, new wave, classic & retro soul, electronics, and jangly guitars. Mondays 6-7a Pacific on

Playing lost and found rare gems, collections from the past, and boogie jams from the present. Those things include: electronic, jazz, art rock, soul, mix noise, hip hop, indie, ambient and boogie.


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