
Groove Groove Melody



Most recently, End of Teens played Everybody Everybody by Black Box on Wednesday 10th Apr, 2024.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Groove Groove Melody!

Celebrating the last year of teenager-hood. Exploring poetry, girlhood and music. What more could a woman want?

Think of the ultimate mix tape that you have some where buried deep in your basement or attic!

all things fuzz and synth - electronica, psychedelia, lo-fi, garage, funk, techno ++

new music, themed sets, artist takeovers and local show recs to accompany your friday night.

DJ Phantom Power decodes people's dreams then creates a soundtrack that will help them further explore their subconscious. It's, ya know, fun.

a weekly journey through sounds new and old from near and far

feeling our feelings on the airwaves, one song at a time :•)

pickle licious tracks sprinkled with new stuff, local stuff and all the things that make up my chaos brainz

I like it all so I play it all. Electronic/House/Disco/Soul/R&B/Rap/Hip-Hop/Pop/Jazz/Classical.